Detailed Guide to AWS CodeDeploy Installation
Because I found AWS CodeDeploy documentation to be kind of hard to grasp, Here is a quick reference if you want to set up a complete CodeDeploy solution. Create Bucket with policy from bucket-policy.txt, be sure to change the principal for your account
Create the service role for CodeDeploy to allow it read the EC2 tags Service Role/create-role.bat
Attach the managed policy AWSCodeDeployRole to allow the reading of EC2 tags Service Role/attach-role-policy.bat
Create the instance profile for the EC2 instance to be able to pull objects from S3 InstanceProfile/create-role.bat InstanceProfile/put-role-policy.bat InstanceProfile/create-instance-profile.bat
Create the EC2 instance with the Instance Profile associated, assign this EC2 instance the tags Key=Name,Value=CodeDeployDemo
Install the CodeDeploy Agent on the EC2 instance Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned Import-Module AWSPowerShell New-Item –Path “c:\temp” –ItemType “directory” -Force powershell.exe -Command Read-S3Object -BucketName aws-codedeploy-us-west-1 -Key latest/codedeploy-agent.msi -File c:\temp\codedeploy-agent.msi c:\temp\codedeploy-agent.msi /quiet /l c:\temp\host-agent-install-log.txt
Create the CodeDeploy Application create-application.bat
Create the deployment group specifying the ARN of the ServiceRole, be sure to change the ARN on the script create-deployment-group.bat
When a revision is ready run this script to zip the folder and push it to the BT Bucket BTApplication/deploy-push.bat
To start the deployment of the uploaded object on S3 run: create-deployment.bat