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Attention Based Mechanisms

Attention is essentially weights that depend on the input, this weights can depend on the input of the input layer (self attention) or input that is the result from a hidden layer (attention), attention mechanisms are very powerfull because we dont have to bias the network architecture to the way we think the network will perform tha task, for example CNNs are network architectures that are specialized to process 2D or 3D dimensional data, the convolution operations process the input in a specific way, the neurons process the inputs via their corresponding receptive fields, all of this machinery is architectural bias, because the experts think the network will perform better if the network process the input this way. But what if there is a better way to process 2D or 3D inputs, what if we let the model learn by itself how to process the inputs according to some task? Enter the Attention layers.

Architectural Bias

Architectural biased towards learn image structure representations, CNNs have the architectural bias of the two dimensional processing of images, for example the fact that convolutions are processed along all the image, the concept that each neuron has a receptive field to process, all of this is architectural bias encoded to the network.

Attention mechanisms get rid of architectural bias

More recently attention mechanisms help us to get rid of the architectural bias, now we have weights at the level of the input to learn how to process the input accoring to the learned task

Written on July 10, 2019